Heys, Tobey here 👋🏻

Like Walter Payton, I believe tomorrow is never promised. So I took a leap of faith and started MWH to make a living online. It wasn’t easy and I’m no Einstein, but I too stayed with the problems longer. And boy, there were many.

If you want to know more or connect, reach me at tobeymwh@gmail.com. I’m not some AI who gained self-awareness and I love meeting new people. I’m just pretty private, so I use an AI avatar instead of my real pics.

My journey so far

Dec 25, 2023

Released MWH 🥳

After 2 years working with the cloud, I knew I could take on web hosting and blogging again. It took me 6 designs, 4 months of sleepless nights, and mugs of coffee to set everything up, but I enjoyed every minute of it. At last, I released MWH to the world.

Jul 1, 2023

Became the (Feline) Chosen One 🐱

For the first time, I went to a cat cafe and a kitten walked up to me and slept on my lap for two hours. I was both touched and worried about going to the washroom.

Sep 7, 2020

Going on cloud 9 ☁️

I got a new job managing the cloud but I had literally zero cloud experience. It was a steep learning curve and I made many mistakes. I lost count of the times I got discouraged, but I pressed on and studied in my free time to improve myself until I got certified.

For the first time in my career, I felt accomplished.

Jan 31, 2020

Got my Master’s and more student debt 📜

I got a Master’s degree in IT and the college asked if I wanted to continue with a PhD.

Permanent Head Damage? No thanks.

Mar 23, 2018

Got a taste of real sushi 🍣

I traveled to Japan for the first time when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. I absolutely loved it. The food, landmarks, culture, and hospitality all blew my mind. I promised myself to return in two years.

(Covid-19: 😈)

Aug 1, 2017

Mastered by web hosting 🫤

Passive income was the rage and I wanted a piece of the action by starting a blog. Thing is I had no idea what web hosting is and what to blog about. Finally, the technical stuff got too much for me. I threw in the towel but promised myself to try again when I am ready.

Jul 4, 2016

Got out of school and into adulting life 😵‍💫

I graduated from college with a social science degree and was lucky to get a full time job in tech with a good boss. Til this day, I have no idea what had happened. I only remembered I was so lost.

Still, this job laid the foundation I needed to set up my own websites.